Submissions must consist of two separate parts. The first part should consist of a single page containing a 35–50 word
abstract. The second part should contain a 4-page technical summary that follows the outline below. Please follow the
following instructions for the preparation of the Abstract and
Technical Summary.
35-50 Word Abstract: Your submitted 35-50 word abstract,
highlighting the key details of your paper, will be published in
the Advance Program if your paper is accepted. The
abstracts are usually edited to accommodate the program
Technical Summary: Include the first author's name and the
title of the paper on each page. Please include the information
listed below in the Technical Summary.
Objective and Background: Briefly describe the goals
and intent of your project. and give background factors that
led to the new results.
- Results: Describe the specific results that will be
presented at the SID 2015 Symposium. Please provide a
technical description of how the results were achieved.
Sufficient detail (quantitative and/or graphical data) should
be included so the Program Committee can properly evaluate
your submission.
- Impact: Discuss the significance of your work and compare
your findings with previously published work.
- References: List a few main references covering projects
in related areas.
- Prior Publications: Generally, Symposium papers must
be original contributions. If your organization has published
or presented material on similar work in English, please
explain how the present material differs. The only exception
to this rule is that papers submitted to the Applications
Subcommittee need not be original.
The Technical summary must be no longer than four pages.
Material beyond four pages will not be considered in evaluating
the paper.
All authors are required to upload their Abstract and
Technical Summary to
Additional information must be provided in the online
submission form. Authors must: |
Indicate if you wish to have your paper considered for
oral or poster presentation, if you have a preference.
- Indicate the closest matching Symposium Topic from the
list provided
- Include the 35-50 word abstract
- Include a minimum of three keywords for the submission;
- Indicate whether the presenter of the paper is currently
a student; and
- Include the names of all authors with their affiliations,
addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
Please underline the name of the presenter when there are
two or more authors.
Product Engineering/Applications
Please follow the instructions on the technical summary/
abstract submission site, If you need further assistance, please contact Bill
Klein at
Attention Manufacturers and Suppliers: These sessions
contain information on the practical aspects of display technology
such as design, manufacturing, and testing of displays
and display-related products. Papers are generally
product or process oriented and deal with how something
was engineered, how it works, what to use, how to use it, and
what to avoid. Emphasis should be technical, not marketing.
Abstract, paper submission, and presentation requirements
are the same as for the Symposium papers, although the
content does not have to be original. Applications Sessions
will be conducted in parallel with the Symposium sessions.
Applications papers are welcome in all areas of display technology
previously listed under the applications symposium topics.
The deadline for receipt of technical summaries/abstracts is
December 1, 2014 (January 26, 2015 for Late-News
Papers). Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed by
February 9, 2015 (February 27 for Late-News papers).
Authors of accepted papers will be directed to an on-line
“Authors Kit” with instructions for the preparation of the paper
to be published in the Symposium Digest. The paper shall
consist of four pages, including all illustrations and is due
March 9, 2015 (March 30 for Late-News papers).
Points of Contact
Seonki Kim (Technical Program Chair)
Samsung Display Co., Ltd.
Gyeonggi-do, Korea
telephone: +82-31-8000-8030
e-mail: (at)
Sergei Yakovenko (European Subcommittee Chair)
LensVector, Inc.
Mountain View, CA, USA
telephone: 1(914) 263-3544
e-mail: sergeiyakovenko (at)
Hyun Jae Kim (Asian Subcommittee Chair)
Yonsei University
Seoul, Korea
telephone: +81-2-2123-5865
e-mail: hjk3 (at)
Bill Klein (Symposium Coordinator)
Palisades Convention Management, Inc.
New York, NY, USA
telephone: 1(212) 460-8090 x204 (fax -5460)
e-mail: wklein (at)
Jay Morreale (Symposium Coordinator)
Palisades Convention Management, Inc.
New York, NY, USA
telephone: 1(917) 301-5194
e-mail: jmorreale (at)