SID Digest Specifications

Important instructions for submitting your digest paper.

Digest Deadlines

December 1, 2024: SID Digest abstract and form submission deadline

January 20, 2025: LATE NEWS SID Digest abstract and form submission deadline

January 31, 2025: Acceptance or rejection letters sent

March 15, 2025: Revision deadline for SID Digest papers

Please note: Accepted authors will have the opportunity to resubmit a revised 4-page paper for the Symposium Digest by March 15, 2025. If a revised paper is not submitted by that date, the initial version that was submitted with the abstract will be used in the Digest.

Digest Submission Instructions

SID is currently working to improve the impact factor of our archival journal, the Journal of the Society for Information Display, by encouraging authors to include citations to the Journal when appropriate. When you are writing your symposium digest papers, very often it would be possible to include a citation to a relevant Journal of the Society for Information Display paper as part of the reference list. We would strongly encourage you to consider the Journal as a primary reference source as you are writing your paper for the SID Symposium Digest. Appropriate citations to the Journal of the Society for Information Display will enhance the status of the Journal and the status of the Society as well. Please use the example citation formats in the above template as standards.