Guidelines for Poster Authors & Presenters

Helpful guidelines and information for poster authors at Display Week.

Requirements for Poster Presentations
at Display Week 2025

This acceptance is subject to three conditions: (1) all company or government releases must have been obtained; (2) the paper shall be in agreement with SID copyright rules; (3) the SID DIGEST material and forms must be submitted by March 15, 2025.

Illustrated text of all symposium papers will appear in the Display Week ‘25 DIGEST OF TECHNICAL PAPERS. This document enjoys a worldwide distribution that includes many scholarly libraries. Unless otherwise instructed, your paper may be included in other SID publications or referred to in publicity releases for Display Week 2025. The DIGEST format allows up to four pages per paper including text and illustrations combined. Please note that the Symposium Digest of Technical Papers will not be released to the general public in any form until the first day of Display Week.

The deadline for submission of an electronic manuscript is March 15, 2025 (unless a properly formatted paper for the Digest was submitted initially).

Templates and Specifications

To help you prepare your submission, SID has developed Author Guidelines and Digest Specifications. These guidelines can be accessed at the following links:

Paper Submission and Forms

After your paper is complete, please use the instructions at the following URL to submit the electronic version of your paper:

Poster Presenter Overview

The Poster Session was introduced to provide a more interactive presentation of papers judged to be of high interest to a narrow audience or that would best be presented in a more interactive format. The success of the Poster Session, evident in the enthusiastic audience response, is attributed not only to the high quality of the papers selected but also to the authors’ adherence to the following guidelines for effective presentation in poster format.

Please note, all presenters (speakers, co-authors, panelists, moderators, session chairs, committee members) are required to register with SID membership.

Poster Specifications

A Display Week poster should not consist of a copy of the manuscript; instead it should allow the attendees to recognize the key points of the work easily from a distance of at least 3 meters and to facilitate more detailed discussions with the authors. Often the best poster comprises a few large graphs/illustrations annotated clearly to show the viewer why each is significant, with only enough text to headline key points like purpose, conclusions, and impact.

  • An area 12 in. high and 9 in. wide in the top left corner of the poster board will be used by SID for poster identification
  • The poster will typically consist of a number of A4 or 8.5 x 11 in. pages tacked to the bulletin board, although larger paper formats are acceptable and even desirable.
  • One page is to consist of the paper title, authors and affiliation.
  • A second page is to consist of a brief abstract outlining the key points of the paper.
  • Use a minimum font size of 18 points for text and 30 points for headings.
  • Limit text to 4-6 key points per page.
  • Limit graphs or illustrations to 2 per page.
  • Appropriate use of color is encouraged.

When and Where

The Display Week 2025 Poster Session will be held on Thursday, May 15 from 5:00 to 8:00 the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, Grand Ballroom 220A. Authors are expected to be present to answer questions throughout this time and to demonstrate any prototypes. The room will be open for poster setup beginning at 11:00 am on Thursday morning: a 4 ft high x 8 ft wide bulletin board with ample tacks and 3 ft x 18 inches of table space for handouts/demonstrations will be available upon request (see submission form when uploading your paper).

Use of Abstract and Technical Summary for Publicity Purposes

In the past, several technical journals have requested additional information about papers to be presented at the Symposia for press coverage purposes. We would like to accommodate these requests by providing information from your abstract and/or technical summary. If you do not want your technical summary released to the press, please contact Sierra Hollinden at mdg, A Freeman Company as soon as possible at

Speaker Registration

All speakers, except a very limited number of invited speakers at the discretion of the program chair, are required to pay registration fees. Speaker registration forms will be emailed to you in several weeks. Or you can register on-line at the link below.

Display Week Logo.

Welcome speakers, co-authors, panelists, moderators, session chairs, committee members, we are excited to have you presenting at Display Week! We would like to provide you with free marketing tools to promote your session/s to YOUR contacts. With our marketing efforts and yours combined, we will be sure to fill your session seats!

Please note, all presenters (speakers, co-authors, panelists, moderators, session chairs, committee members) are required to register with SID membership.


For questions about submissions, please contact Bill Klein.