Display Week 2025

Society for Information Display


San Jose, CA

May 11–16, 2025


Special Topics for 2025

The Display Week 2025 Technical Symposium will place emphasis on four special topics of interest to address rapid growth in the following areas: (1) Artificial Intelligence Including Machine Learning for Imaging; (2) Ultra-High Bandwidth Display Data Transmission and Processing; and, new for 2025, (3) Heterogeneous Integration on Glass and Other Substrates for Emerging Applications, and (4) Sustainable Displays and Green Technologies. Submissions relating to these special topics in the field of information display are highly encouraged.

The evolution of new computing technologies and the availability of big data are boosting machine learning (ML) and deep learning in different fields. This special topic covers the applications of artificial intelligence in all aspects of display technologies and manufacturing. These sessions will bring together display experts and AI/ML experts to explore opportunities to solve challenging display problems with the most promising AI/ML techniques. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

•  Techniques in Graphics, Image Processing, and Computer Vision
•  Applications in Enhancing Display Technology Integrated with Other Functionality
•  For AR/VR Applications in Developing Featured Machines
•  Image Enhancement and Optimization for Specific Users and Situations
•  Novel Use of AI in Display Design, Manufacturing, and Repair
•  Innovations in Display Measurement and Auto-Correction
•  New Concepts for Human Visual Perception in Displays
•  Improving Functions, Interactive Applications, and Processes to Enhance User Experiences


Novel ultra-high bandwidth solutions are critical as we move towards beyond-8K resolution and data-intensive applications such as next-gen AR/VR/MR, holography, stereovision, and light-field displays. Achieving retina resolution with large fields of view and high frame rates demands substantial advancements in data generation, processing, and transmission bandwidth. Technologies such as foveal tracking require intensive high-speed processing within compact product form factors. Furthermore, integrating multiple sensors and cameras significantly amplifies the need for ultrahighbandwidth data handling and intuitive user controls. These requirements challenge existing hardware architectures to deliver low power consumption, minimal thermal output, low latency, ease of use, and extended battery life.

This special topic invites contributions from industry and academia focused on pioneering work and novel ideas addressing these complex challenges. We welcome abstract submissions on, but not limited to, the following topics:

•  High Efficiency Data and Display Links
•  Advanced Data and Image Compression Techniques, Including Foveal Techniques
•  High-Efficiency Display Data and Related Applications Processing
•  Efficient Integration and Processing of Display, Image, and Data Storage; Image and Data Analysis; Plus Multiple-Camera and Other Sensor Data
•  High Bandwidth and Low Pj/Bit Memory Technology
•  Low-Power Driving for Multiple High-Resolution Displays
•  Low-Power Sensing and Camera Technologies


Heterogeneous integration for high-performance electronic packaging is rapidly becoming a mainstream activity, with glass emerging as a promising candidate for interposer substrates in multichip integrated circuit packaging. This special topic invites submissions from both display and non-display industrial and academic communities engaged in innovative work to advance the science and engineering of heterogeneous integration. This field, by its nature, covers a broad range of areas. Submissions are invited on the following topical areas, though contributions are not limited to these topics:

•  Through Glass and Other Substrates Via Patterning Techniques with Emphasis on Substrate Thickness, Pitch, and Diameter Considerations, as well as Taper Angles
•  Voidless Metal Filling Processes with Considerations for Low Electrical Resistivity, High-Aspect Ratio Filled Vias, and Solder-Dam Integration
•  Wafer- and Panel-Scale Format Manufacturing Processes for Hetero-Integration Substrate Variants
•  Dielectric Deposition Processes for Multi-Layer Metal Interconnects Addressing Warpage Issues and Bonded Stacks
•  Component (Including Die Attach) and Micro-Systems Heterointegration, Including Integrated Circuits, with Considerations of Performance and Integration Density
•  Packaging Technologies for a Broad Range of Applications in MEMS, 6G mmWave GHz Radios, Photonics and LEDs, High-Performance Computing, and Other Areas Addressing Lifetime, Reliability, and Critical Thermal Issues
•  Novel Materials, Processes, and Equipment for Hetero-Integration Applications on Rigid and Flexible Substrates
•  Multi-Physics Modeling and Simulation of Heterogeneously Integrated Systems Predicting Behavior of Multi-Material Systems with Large Range of Length Scales of Interest, Taking into Consideration Reliability/Lifetime and Mechanical/Electrical Behavior across a Broad Range of Temperatures


The global reach of the display industry and its value chain has brought transformative changes to the human experience, altering how we work, communicate, learn, and spend leisure time. At the same time, the growing scale and huge output of the display industry bring proportional demands on environmental and social resources.

This Special Topic aims to bring together contributions related to sustainable display development, achieving goals for net zero emissions and the circular economy, including areas such as:

•  Life Cycle Assessment of Displays, Including the Methodologies, Hot Spots Analysis, Improvement, etc.
•  Regulatory and Compliance Perspectives for Display-Related Sustainability Areas; for Instance, in the Context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the EU Sustainable Product Initiative Draft Regulation, and/or Other Regulatory Bodies
•  Third-Party Sustainability Certifications (Environmental/Social) and Green Standards for Displays and Display-Containing Products
•  Sustainable Procurement of Display Products
•  Display Product Designs for Repairability, Durability, Upgradeability, and Circularity
•  Green Display Manufacturing Processes and Materials, Reducing Environmental and Social Impact from Operations and Chemicals
•  Waste-Water Treatment Technologies, Water Usage Efficiency Enhancements, and Water Resource Management
•  Technologies for Display Energy Efficiency Improvements, Measurements, and Assessments
•  Technologies for Display Lifetime Extensions
•  Technologies for Display-Users’ Health and Safety
•  Repurpose, Upcycling, and Recycling of Waste Displays
•  Reduction, Recycling, or Elimination of the Use of Rare or Critical Materials such as Gallium, Cerium, Indium, or Iridium
•  Incenting the Display Industry to Act with Environmental Responsibility


Symposium Topics

The Society for Information Display (SID) encourages the submission of original papers on all aspects of the research, engineering, application, evaluation, and utilization of displays. Paper submissions are welcome for any of the following symposium topics:

(1) ACTIVE-MATRIX DEVICES: Submissions are solicited covering all novel aspects of TFTs, including semiconducting materials, structures/processing, reliability, circuit design, and the application of active-matrix electronics to displays and other related systems.

•  Transistor on Silicon for OLEDoS and LEDoS
•  Ferroelectric TFTs
•  Oxide TFTs for Neuromorphic Devices
•  Sensor on Pixel and Sensor under Displays
•  Printed Inorganic TFTs
•  TFTs for Automobile and Avionics
•  Emerging Active-Matrix Devices and Materials
•  AMOLED Display Pixels and Backplanes
•  LTPO and Novel Device Integration Technologies
•  Backplane for MicroLEDs, QD-OLEDs, and QD-LEDs
•  Novel TFT Circuits and Driving Technologies
•  Narrow-Bezel Design on Arrays, TFT Circuits, and Backplane Reliabilities
•  Novel TFT Circuits and TFT Driving Technologies
•  TFTs for Memory Applications


(2) APPLIED VISION/HUMAN FACTORS: New display technology has driven displays to incorporate more pixels, greater contrast, higher luminance, and richer color volume, thus enabling a wide range of new visual experiences. Submissions are encouraged that will discuss the benefits and tradeoffs of how these new display technologies, as well as novel uses of traditional display technology, can have a measurable impact on the visual experience. Topics in the following areas are particularly in demand: mitigating challenges by presenting comfortable and engaging 3D imagery (including autostereoscopic, AR, and VR form factors), effective use of a wider color volume to create a more immersive and compelling experience, and approaches to take advantage of limitations of the visual system to process or transmit display data more efficiently. Papers that discuss novel methods of user interaction and HMI with display systems are also welcomed. In addition, this year we also encourage submissions in the following technical areas:

•  Displays for Therapy and Assistive Technologies
•  Wide-Color-Gamut and High-Dynamic-Range Imaging
•  Visual Comfort and Health with Display Systems (Including Links between Myopia and Displays)
•  Immersive Interaction with AR/VR/XR Displays
•  Image Quality and Display Perception
•  Peripheral Vision Effects on Perceived Virtual Presence with VR displays, and Passthrough Headsets
•  Foveated Rendering for VR Displays


(3) AUGMENTED REALITY, VIRTUAL REALITY, AND MIXED REALITY: We invite manuscript submissions that address critical aspects of developing Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) into a ubiquitous mainstream technology. AR/VR/MR are key enablers for the digitally reconstructed virtual world with widespread applications in education, entertainment, engineering, healthcare, human sensory enhancement, and smart manufacturing, just to name a few. This comprehensive technical program will cover the full range of emerging innovative technologies and novel applications of AR/VR/MR. Papers will be organized into tracks so that attendees will be able to follow primarily AR/VR/MR subjects, including across multiple topics covered elsewhere within the Call for Papers.

Examples of topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

•  Microdisplay Technologies: microLED, micro-OLED, AMLCD, LCoS, Laser Beam Scanning, Row and Block Pixel-Array Scanning, MEMS, etc. with High-Dynamic Range, High-Resolution Density, and Compact Size
•  Imaging Optics: Wide Field of View, Large Eyebox and Eye Relief, Compact and Lightweight, High Optical Efficiency, Foveation, Active Focusing and Image-Shifting Optics, Corrective Vision Optics, Meta-Optics, and Deformable Displays Working with Novel Optics
•  Optical Combiners: Geometric Optics, Waveguides, Holographic Optical Elements, Diffractive Optics, Polarization Devices, Pin Mirrors, etc.
•  Low Power Consumption: High Optical and Electrical Efficiencies, Smart Dimmers, and Thermal Management
•  3D Effects: Light Field, Vergence-Accommodation Conflict, Multifocal Displays, Holographic Displays, and Maxwellian View
•  Eye-Tracking, Localization, Mapping, and Navigation Techniques for AR/VR/MR
•  Mapping and Rendering of Virtual Objects onto the Physical World
•  Immersive Audio Technologies Including Human Audio Perception Enhancement Technologies
•  Enhancement of Human Senses and Perception for Situational Awareness Including Novel Sensors Potentially Adaptable to AR/VR/MR Applications
•  Overall AR/VR/MR Operating System Software and Novel Applications Software Including User Controls for Highly Multiplexed I/O Devices and Communications
•  Computation, Graphics, Simulations, and Image Processing Including Facial, Scenes, and Object-Recognition Analysis Assistance
•  Machine Learning and AI Techniques Relevant to AR/VR/MR
•  New Applications for Digital Twins
•  Storage, Retrieval, and Analysis of Images and Data from Sensors, User Inputs, and Other Sources
•  End-to-End System Architectures, Integration, and Latency
•  Novel Form Factors: Stylish, Glasses-Like, Compact, and Lightweight. Appearance of Near-Eye Product User to Other People
•  Methods and Headwear for the Recreation of Realistic Experiences Such as Working in Front of Multiple Large Monitors, Peripheral Vision Cues, and Multiple-Person Experiences, among Others
•  Ergonomic Consideration in Wearable Display Design


(4) AUTOMOTIVE/VEHICULAR DISPLAYS AND HMI TECHNOLOGIES: Papers for this topic shall deal with all aspects of automotive and vehicular displays and related HMI issues, including market aspects, display and lighting technologies, head-up displays, smart displays, application issues with vehicular displays, and advanced technologies for displays, touchscreens, and gestures in vehicles as well as the user experience. Contributions in the following areas are solicited:

•  Avionic Displays and Applications, Including HMD, HUD, and Interaction Means
•  Smart Vehicular Display and Lighting Technologies
•  Interactive Technologies for Automotive Displays
•  Application Issues with Vehicular Displays and Lighting
•  Metrology for Automotive Displays
•  Displays for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)
•  Head-Up Displays (HUDs), Including AR, Holographic, and Night Vision
•  Automotive and Vehicular Display Market and Technology Trends
•  Infotainment and Passenger Entertainment Displays
•  Projection Displays (Other than HUD) for Interior and Exterior Projection
•  Transparent Displays (Other than HUD) for Window, Panoramic Roof, etc.
•  Camera and Rear-Mirror Display Systems
•  Video Interface and Display Link for Automotive
•  Exterior Automotive Displays (Other than Projection)
•  Displays as Interior Design Elements
•  High-Visual-Performance Displays for Automotive
•  Display Readability in Variable Ambient Lighting Situations
•  Optical Components for Automotive Applications
•  Optical Bonding, AR/AG/AS Coating
•  Display Materials Optimized for Automotive Applications
•  Motorbike and Bicycle Displays and Applications
•  Modeling and Simulations

HMI Technologies
•  Automotive User Experience (UX), User Interaction (UI), User Delight (UD)
•  Human-Machine Interface (HMI) System Solutions
•  HMI for, and User Experience (UX) of, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Automated Driving, etc.
•  Multi-Modal Input and Output User Experience (UX)
•  Driver Inattention (Driver Distraction)
•  Application Issues with Automotive HMIs
•  Customer Acceptance and Feedback on Different Technology Displays and Interfaces
•  Regulations and Trends Related to In-Vehicle Interfaces


(5) DISPLAY ELECTRONICS: All aspects of circuits (integrated or otherwise) for displays, electronic components for displays and imaging devices, and image and video-processing algorithms will be considered.

•  Algorithms and Driving Electronics for Display-Related Cameras and Sensors
•  Image Compression, Enhancement, and Restoration on Display Devices
•  Driving Electronics for Foldable/Stretchable/Wearable Displays
•  Optical Compensation Circuits and Algorithms
•  Electronics for Touch and Interactive Displays
•  Micro-Display (μLED, OLEDoS) Driving and Pixel Structures
•  Display Drivers, TCONs, and New Driving Schemes
•  Variable Refresh-Rate Electronics and Driving Schemes
•  Machine Learning for Display Electronics
•  Low-Power and Low-Cost Driving Techniques
•  3D/Depth Imaging and Augmented/Virtual Reality
•  High-Dynamic-Range Driving Electronics
•  Multiplexing Sensors, Imagers, and Communication Electronics, Including User Controls to Address These Multiple Pathways


(6) DISPLAY MANUFACTURING: Papers addressing the following areas will be considered: materials, processes, and equipment advancements related to the manufacture of display panels, components, and module assemblies.

•  Manufacture of High-Resolution OLED and Other Emissive Display Panels, Fine Metal Mask (FMM), OLED Evaporation Systems, OLED Printing or Patterning Processes, and Thin-Film Encapsulation (TFE) Processes
•  Manufacture of New OLED Fab-Related Equipment to Support G8 OLED Fabrication Such as OLED Evaporation Systems, Mask Welding Equipment, Equipment for Other Deposition or Patterning Processes
•  Inline Manufacturing Test, Repair, Metrology, and Quality Control
•  Manufacturing-Related Advances Enabling Current and Emerging Displays Including Flexible, Foldable, Stretchable, Wearable Displays; 3D or Transparent Displays; Multi-Functional Display Architectures; AR/VR/MR Displays etc.
•  Manufacturing-Related Advances Such As Use of AI and ML in Display Manufacturing and Defect Detection
•  Manufacture of AMLCD and Other Non-Emissive Displays
•  Manufacture of e-Paper and Other Reflective Displays
•  Manufacturing Equipment and Processes, Including Very Large Substrate Sizes
•  Manufacturing Equipment for Front- and Back-End Processing Including Packaging, Encapsulation, Interconnect, Assembly, and Roll-to-Roll Processing
•  Display-Module Manufacturing Including Panel and Module Assembly for All Display Technologies (e.g., AMLCD, OLED Display, e-Paper, Mini/MicroLED Display, AR/VR/MR Display, Projection, etc.)
•  Display-Component Manufacturing (e.g., Optical Films, Color Filters, LEDs, Backlights, In-Cell and On-Cell Touch Panels, Finger-Print Sensors, Covers, etc.), Including Topics Related to High Luminance and True Black, HDR Displays, and Quantum-Dot (QD)-Based Applications
•  Manufacture of Lenses, Waveguides and Other Related Optics Components and Module Processes for AR/VR/MR Displays
•  Materials for Panel and Module Manufacturing, Including Substrates, Films, Adhesives, Photo-Patternable Organic Materials (for Bank Layers or Polarization Layers, etc.), Photoresists, Sputtering or Evaporation Materials, and Consumables
•  Manufacturing Productivity and Cost-Reduction Topics
•  Sustainable and Green Manufacturing — Reducing Energy Consumption and Waste, and Strategies for Product End-of-Life Recycling and Disposal, Product Design in Accordance with “Right to Repair,” etc.


(7) DISPLAY MEASUREMENT: Submissions are encouraged that address the electro-optic characterization and measurements of displays and display components.

•  Characterization of Visual Performance of Electronic Displays Through Optical Metrology – Including HDR, Wide-Gamut, Ultra-High Bandwidth, Direct-View, Projection, and 3D Displays
•  Low-Luminance Color Measurement (e.g. OLED and μLED)
•  Characterization of Perceptible Display Artifacts Such As Mura, Flicker, Motion Blur, Image Sticking, etc.
•  Measurement Methods for Near-to-Eye Displays for AR, VR, and MR Applications
•  Measurement Methods for Vehicular Displays - Including Head-Up Displays
•  Methods and Models to Predict and Measure Display Color Performance
•  Correlation of Visual Phenomena Modeling to Measured Performance Metrics
•  Display Testing and Calibration Methods in Mass Production, Including Procedures for Consistent Performance and Improving Measurement Reliability
•  Characterization of Display Materials and Components and Their Effects on Display Optical Performance
•  Characterization of Detectors and Sensors Used in Display Systems
•  Examination of Imaging Photometry Methods Employing High-Resolution Cameras and AI-Driven Capture Methods and Evaluation Algorithms
•  Advances in Display Measurements Standards
•  Calibration and Verification of Optical Measurement Instrumentation


(8) DISPLAY SYSTEMS: The Display Systems Subcommittee is soliciting original papers on the novel integration of displays into specialized devices as well as system-level aspects of electronic displays. Include topics of interest, but are not limited to the following:

•  AR/VR/MR: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, and other near-eye and tabletop display systems
•  Novel Components and/or System Integration for AR/VR/MR: Projection Optics, Viewing Optics (Including Waveguides, Light Guides, Diffractive Optics, Reflective Optics, Flat Optics Using Liquid Crystals and Metasurfaces)
•  LCOS and Light Valves for AR/VR/MR: Applications within Projectors and Near-Eye Microdisplays
•  High Bandwidth Communication with Ultra Low Latency and Power for AR/VR/MR Displays
•  High-Dynamic Range (HDR) Displays: Dual-Cell LCDs, miniLED Backlights, and all other HDR Display System Technologies
•  HDR Display Backlight Units (BLUs), Frontlight Units (FLUs), and Optical Components for miniLED BLUs
•  Telepresence Systems and Intelligent Background Subtraction for Privacy
•  3D Displays: Autostereoscopic, Light Field, Volumetric, Holographic, Aerial Displays, and Components
•  Projection Systems, Arrays, Subsystems, Components, and Projection Mapping Including LCOS, Micromirror, and CGH Systems
•  Projection Head-Up Displays for Automotive, Aviation, and Other Applications
•  Large-Area Display Technologies: Cinema Displays, Direct-View LED Walls, Digital Signage
•  Design, Manufacturing, Applications, and Novel Architectures of Projectors
•  Immersive Display Systems, Dome Displays, and Cave Displays
•  Standards and Guidelines Related to the Design or Evaluation of Display Systems
•  Light-Guiding Components for Automotive Lighting and Illumination
•  Artificial Intelligence in Display Communication Systems
•  Novel Displays, Components, and Image Processing
•  Transparent Displays
•  Outdoor Displays


(9) EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS: Imaging and display-related technology continues to drive innovations that revolutionize and enrich our lives in limitless applications. We encourage submission of papers about technologies that are genuinely innovative or breakthrough, as well as pioneering applications using both new or existing display technology, with primary focus on (1) Emerging technologies that have utility in the display industry that are new or progressing but not yet mainstream, (2) Novel applications of displays and related display technologies, and (3) Unique uses of display technologies in non-display technologies and applications as well as integration of non-display technologies in displays.

Examples of topics of interest include – but are not limited to – the following:

•  Novel Applications of AR/VR/MR/XR and New Technologies to Enhance Virtual Experiences
•  Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Enhancing Imaging, Healthcare, Wellness, and Manufacturing
•  Non-Display Applications like Antennas, Beam-Steering Devices, Lenses, LIDAR, Light Field and Other Technologies that Can Be Applied to Future Virtual and Direct View Display Applications
•  Medical and Biological Applications Including Imaging, Microscopy, Diagnostics, Therapy, Remediation, and Quality of Life
•  Imaging Applications that Are More Environmentally Conscious Without Sacrificing Performance, Capabilities, or Cost (Green); Circular Economy, Low Carbon, and Sustainability (CELCS)
•  Novel Materials and Capabilities for Imaging Sensors and Displays, Including Beyond Visible Wavelength Range Imagers
•  Innovative Applications for 3D Stereoscopic, Light Field, and Holographic Technologies
•  Novel Display Substrates that Enable Enhanced Imaging Capabilities and Heterogeneous Applications
•  Display and Sensor Combinations for Unique Applications (e.g., Medical, Robotic or Drone Controls, and Enhancing Human Capabilities)
•  Applications of Meta-Surface, Meta-Optics, Micro-Optics, and Other Novel Optical Solutions for Displays and XR Headset Controls
•  Advanced Optics and Tunable Active Optic Technologies for Enhanced Vision, Near-to-Eye Displays, and Holography
•  Intelligent Imaging to Enhance Situational Awareness and Hazard Avoidance for Military, Commercial, and Private Aircraft and Land Vehicle Cockpits
•  Multi-Modal Display User Interfaces (e.g., Auditory Displays and Other Sensory Information)
•  Smart Displays and Novel Uses of Embedded Technologies
•  Innovative Audio Devices Combined with Displays
•  Display Software Applications (e.g., Image Enhancement)
•  New Avionics, Military, and Ruggedized Display Applications
•  Novel Ubiquitous Display Applications; Displays for IoT Solutions


(10) EMISSIVE, MICROLED, AND QUANTUM DOT DISPLAYS: Advances in materials, processes, designs, and functions of emissive displays, including light-emitting technologies such as quantum dots, perovskites, microLEDs, field nano emitters, and nano phosphors, are sought. Emissive display-compatible sensors and smartdisplay topics are also requested, with a focus on the integration of sensors, micro-ICs, and other unique functionalities such as LiFi elements and electro-optical elements into emissive displays.

•  Emissive Display-Compatible Sensors and Smart-Display Technologies (Integration of Sensors, Micro-ICs, LiFi, and Electro-Optical Elements into the Display)
•  Unconventional Displays and Alternative Applications of Emissive Display Technologies
•  Photoluminescent Colloidal Quantum-Dot Technologies for Displays (Components, Devices, Materials, and Manufacturing)
•  Electroluminescent Colloidal Quantum-Dot Technologies for Displays (Components, Devices, Materials, and Manufacturing)
•  MicroLED Displays (Devices, Metrology, Materials, and Manufacturing)
•  Perovskites, Field Nano-Emitters, Nano-Phosphors, and Inorganic Electroluminescent Displays


(11) FLEXIBLE DISPLAYS AND E-PAPER: The subcommittee seeks submissions on all aspects of flexible, e-Paper, and wearable display technologies, including flexible, stretchable, bendable, foldable, or rollable display devices (microLED, OLED, electrophoretic, MEMS, cholesteric LCD, electro-wetting, electrochromic, and other emissive and reflective display devices) and system-level integration of such devices and printed electronics based on organic and inorganic materials. Advances in flexible-display materials (substrates, transparent conductors, TFTs, dielectric, encapsulation, barrier layers, and adhesives), patterning and novel deposition techniques, manufacturing methods (R2R, bonding, and lift-off), electro-optical effects, sensor technologies and sensor interfaces, driving techniques including ultra-low-power operation, device performance and reliability, ergonomics, and applications for emerging flexible, paper-like, wearable, or stretchable display technologies are also sought.

•  Electronic Papers Including LCD, EPD, EWD, MEMS, ECD, and Other Non-Emissive or Emissive Displays and Devices
•  Bio/Medical and Ultra-Low-Power Applications of Flexible/Wearable Displays and e-Papers
•  Flexible OLED, MicroLED, QD-LED, and Other Emissive Materials, Displays, and Devices
•  System-Level Integration for Flexible, Wearable, Bendable, and Stretchable Display Devices
•  Materials and Devices for Textile/Fiber Displays and Electronics
•  Flexible Sensors and Wearable Displays
•  Flexible Display Components and Materials Including Substrates, Films, Adhesives, Encapsulation, and Barriers
•  Organic and Other Solution-Based TFTs, Flexible Active-Matrix Backplanes
•  Integration, Packaging, Testing, and Reliability of Flexible Displays and e-Paper
•  Flexible-Display Manufacturing of and Equipment for Printed Electronics
•  Applications and Ergonomics of Integrated Flexible Electronics
•  Flexible and Stretchable Hybrid Electronics
•  Materials and Devices for Novel Mechanical UI/UX Technique


(12) INTERACTIVE DISPLAYS AND SENSORS: New for 2025, this topic is expanding its classical focus on touch and related human input modalities to now cover a broader scope of sensors and I/O integration.

As displays increasingly encompass the entirety of a device, so too does the need to integrate the device’s other functionality into that same area. Providing these new modalities, including imaging, biometrics, acoustics, and connectivity, from within or under a display, while minimizing impact on visual performance, requires unique cross-discipline innovations in architecture, packaging, manufacturing, drive schemes, and signal processing algorithms.

Looking further into the future, this topic also solicits novel standalone sensors and transducers, which are based on display industry technologies/ manufacturing techniques, and/or have a clear path to integration with a display.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

•  Under-Display Cameras (UDC, CUD) for RGB, IR, and Depth Imaging
•  AI/ML Image Reconstruction Algorithms for UDC Systems
•  Sensor-in-Pixel Displays, Especially Based on microLED or OPD
•  Fingerprint Sensing, Including Optical, Capacitive, and Ultrasonic Approaches
•  Sensors for ALS, Proximity, Heart Rate, Oximetry, and Other Bio-Signals
•  Antenna on Display (AoD) for NFC and RF Connectivity
•  Li-Fi Integration
•  Eye-Tracking Using Bidirectional Microdisplays
•  Transparent Displays Specifically Designed for Integration with Cameras
•  Acoustics (Speaker and Microphone Integration)
•  Haptics, Including Mechanical and Electrostatic Approaches
•  Standalone Sensors and Transducers Based on Display Industry Technologies or Manufacturing Techniques
•  Traditional Human Input Sensing Displays, such as for Touch, Force, Hover, and Stylus


(13) LIQUID-CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY: Papers are sought on advances in the development of liquid crystal, including electro-optical effects, materials, applications, and devices.

•  Flexible, Rollable, and Conformable LCDs
•  LCDs for Outdoor Signage Applications
•  High Image Quality/Super High Resolution
•  Fast-Response-Time and Color-Sequential LCDs
•  High-Dynamic-Range and High-Ambient-Contrast LCDs
•  Wide-Color-Gamut and QD-Enhanced LCDs
•  Reflective LCDs
•  LC for Automotive Displays
•  LC for AR/VR Applications
•  LCD in Light-Field 3D Systems
•  Smart Windows
•  Display Enhancement
•  LC-Based Spatial Light Modulators and Optical Elements
•  LC Alignment Technologies
•  New LC Materials
•  Use of LC Technologies in Sensing Applications
•  LC for Nonvisible Wavelength Applications


(14) ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES: Topics of interest include OLED materials and device architectures, as well as OLED display design, prototyping, manufacturing, and performance. Papers on OLED signage and OLED lighting solutions are also welcome.

•  High-Performance OLED Displays of All Sizes: Micro, Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, Monitor, TV
•  Light Extraction for OLED Efficiency Enhancement or Angular Emission Management
•  Performance Correlations between OLED Devices and OLED Displays
•  OLED Physics and Models
•  Novel OLED Materials and Architectures Enabling OLED Display Advancements, Including AR/VR Displays
•  Organic + Inorganic Hybrid Materials and Devices Including Perovskites for Display Applications
•  Reliability and Degradation of OLED Devices or Displays
•  New OLED Pixel Architecture Including Color Filter, Microlens, etc.
•  OLED Encapsulation
•  OLED System Integration, Manufacturing, and Cost Reduction
•  OLEDs for Lighting Applications


Abstract/Technical Summary Format and Paper Submission Requirements

General Note: The selection-rejection decision for a paper is based on its originality, quality, relevance, and completeness.

Two options are available for authors who wish to submit papers. Option 1 is designed to streamline the process and allows authors to submit an initial version of their paper in a format that is already appropriate for final submission, instead of submitting the traditional abstract/summary format. If their papers are selected, authors do not need to do anything further, but have the option of submitting a final revised paper, if they wish. Option 2 is the traditional process of submitting a 2–4-page Technical Summary for review, with the final paper being submitted later after notification of acceptance.

Please follow the instructions and templates available on to help in the preparation and submission of the 2–4-page technical paper. If your paper is selected,this submission will be used as the final Symposium Digest paper unless a revised version is submitted by March 15, 2025.

Note that content-wise, the submission must contain the abstract and the information listed in the bullet points (1)–(7) below under Option 2.

The instructions below outline the submission requirements and can be used instead of Option 1, above. If your paper is accepted, you will receive further instructions for filing your final submission by March 15, 2025. Below are the requirements for Option 2:

Page Headers: Please place the first author’s name and the title of the paper on the top of each page of the submission.

Abstract: Your submitted 50–70 word maximum abstract, highlighting the key details of your paper, will be published in the online program if your paper is accepted. The abstracts might be edited if necessary to accommodate the program format.

Keywords: Include a minimum of three keywords.

Technical Summary: The summary must not exceed 2–4 pages in length. Material beyond four pages will not be considered in the evaluation of the paper.

(1)  Include the names of all authors with their affiliations, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Please underline the name of the presenter when there are two or more authors.

(2)  Also indicate whether the presenter is a student.

(3)  Objective and Background: Briefly describe the goals and intent of your project and provide background factors that led to the new results.

(4)  Results: Describe the specific results that will be presented at the 2025 Display Week Symposium. Please provide a technical description of how the results were achieved. Sufficient detail (quantitative and/or graphical data) should be included so the Program Committee can properly evaluate your submission.

(5)  Impact: Discuss the significance of your work and compare your findings with previously published work.

(6)  References: List a few main references covering projects in related areas. We are requesting that authors use the Vancouver citation style.

(7)  Prior Publications: Symposium papers must be original contributions. If your organization has published or presented material on similar work in English, please explain how the present material differs or has been uniquely and significantly updated. Review papers of other work must reference all publications being discussed.

Once the abstract/technical summary is completed, all authors are required to upload it to

Additional information must be provided on the online submission form. Authors must:
(A)   Enter the full title of the paper.
(B)   Enter the name of the contact author and e-mail.
(C)   List all the authors and include their contact information as requested on the form..
(D)   Place the abstract in the allotted space on the form.
(E)   Enter the keywords in the space provided.
(F)   Check the appropriate box for student travel grant requests.
(G)   Indicate whether your paper is invited.
(H)   Indicate if you wish to have your paper considered for oral or poster presentation, if you have a preference.
(I)    Indicate up to 2 of the closest matching symposium topics from the list included in this Call for Papers. Designate first and second priority topics if 2 topics for your submission are appropriate. (The final designation will be determined by the Program Chair).
(J)    Indicate a Special Topic from the list included in this Call for Papers, only if appropriate. The Special Topic selection is in addition to the primary technical topic(s) selected in (I).
(K)   Attach a PDF of your technical summary.
(L)   Click on submit.

If you need further assistance, please contact Bill Klein at

The deadline for receipt of regular technical summaries/abstracts is Dec. 1, 2024 (PST), with extensions available by request until no later than Dec. 31, 2024 (PST). Manuscripts for the Late-News category can be submitted during Jan. 1–20, 2025 (PST). Notifications of acceptance will be emailed by Jan. 31 for regular papers, or by Feb. 6, 2025, for Late News submissions. Authors of accepted papers will be directed to an online "Author’s Kit" with instructions for the preparation of the paper to be published in the Symposium Digest. The paper shall consist of 2–4 pages, including all illustrations, and is due no later than Mar. 15, 2025. Note: If a revised paper is not received by Mar. 15, the initial summary and abstract submitted will be published in the Symposium Digest.


Points of Contact

Program Chair
Ion Bita

Deputy Program Chair
David Hermann
Volvo Car Corporation AB

General Chair
Bo-Ru (Paul) Yang
Sun Yat-sen University

Deputy General Chair
Gary Jones
Nanoquantum Corporation

Asian Program Committee Chair
Yong Taek Hong
Seoul National University

European Program Committee Chair
Adrian Travis
Clare College, Cambridge University

Symposium Coordinator
Bill Klein
Palisades Convention Management, Inc.
New York, NY, USA
1+(212) 460-8090 x204 (fax -5460)


Speaker Responsibilities

All costs associated with your participation at Display Week as a speaker will be at your own expense (including travel, housing, registration fee, etc.).


Display Week 2025 Features

•  Technical Symposium
•  Special Topics
•  Poster Session
•  Keynotes
•  Invited Papers
•  Distinguished Papers
•  Author Interviews
•  Short Courses
•  Seminars
•  Awards Banquet
•  Awards Luncheon
•  People’s Choice Awards
•  Exhibition
•  Exhibitors’ Forum
•  I-Zone
•  Business Conference
•  Women in Tech Panel
•  CEO Forum
•  Job Fair


Student Travel Grants

A limited number of student travel grants, up to $1000 each, will be made available to student presenters of accepted papers. A student travel grant must be requested upon submission of abstracts by checking off the appropriate box on the online submission site. A questionnaire will automatically be generated. Please complete the questionnaire. Only students who submit the questionnaire will be eligible to receive a student travel grant. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is December 1, 2024; January 20, 2025, for Late-News Abstracts/Summaries.


Deadlines and Key Dates

Abstracts/Summaries 12/1/2024
Late-News Abstracts/Summaries 1/20/2025
Accept/Reject Letters 1/31/2025
Late-News Accept/Reject Letters 2/6/2025
Revised Digest Paper Submissions 3/15/2025
Display Week 2025 5/11/2025–5/16/2025
Sunday Short Courses 5/11/2025
Monday Seminars 5/12/2025
Exhibition/Exhibitors’ Forum/I-Zone 5/13/2025–5/15/2025
Symposium 5/13/2025–5/16/2025